Experience (reverse chronological order)
- Amazon
Incoming Software Development Engineer Intern (Fall 2022)
- CarbonLink Inc.
Simple and secure platform to buy, sell, and manage carbon offsets on the blockchain.
Skills: Typescript, Python, Node.js, Express.js, React, Selenium, Postman, AWS
- Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab @ Harvard University
My research focused on creating reinforcement learning models to explore human learning and hidden-state inference.
Details: Professor Samuel Gershman, Department of Psychology and Center for Brain Science
Skills: Python, Q-Learning
- Princeton Social Neuroscience Lab @ Princeton University
My research focuses included the effect of social isolation (prison, exile, etc.) on writing and the effect of psychological distance on charitable donation behavior in humans.
Details: Professor Diana Tamir, Professor Mark Thornton (Dartmouth), Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI)
Skills: Python (SciKit-Learn, Matplotlib, Pandas, NumPy)