Rohan Kalra

Rohan Kalra

Computer Science & Business Administration
Department of Computer Science
University of Southern California

About me: I am a USC Presidential Scholar majoring in Computer Science & Business Administration. I like to solve difficult problems. Specifically, I am interested in financial engineering, space, sustainability, biotechnology, and human behavior. Of course, more general software engineering and data science applications also interest me.

Non-academic interests: Formula One has completely consumed me.

Email: {firstName}{lastName.substr(0, 3)}


Reading: Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions (Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths)
Watching: House of Cards, Westworld
Playing: Watch Dogs 2, Farcry 5
Learning: CFOP Rubik's Cube Method (trying to get a sub-30 second average solve time)

Experience | Projects | Resume